Cook Matcha Eco 1kg

Cook Matcha Eco 1kg


 Organic   Culinary   If you would like to purchase a large amount of COOK MATCHA ECO in bulk, this large bag is an excellent value. COOK MATCHA ECO is organic Matcha for blending and cooking. Basic grade organic culinary Matcha. Made from 100% organic tencha. No additives, no preservatives, sugar free.  Pale green color and bitter taste. Suitable for industrial use. This grade has a strong bitterness, so it is ideal for making Matcha sweets that you want to take advantage of the bitterness of Matcha. This grade is also used as a secret ingredient to adjust the bitterness of Matcha. 

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(EN) (100% organic). Powdered green tea. Matcha basic culinary grade suitable for industrial or domestic cooking. Ideal for baking. Strong flavor, light green color, light aroma. Some applications: cookies, bread, pastries. Ingredients: 100% Organic Japanese green tea produced without dyes nor preservatives. Sugarless. Best before (day/month/year) and lot number: see bottom of the package. Stored in the refrigerator after opening. Product of Japan. (ES) (100% orgánico). Té verde en polvo. Matcha culinario de grado básico indicado para la cocina industrial o doméstica. Ideal para hornear. Sabor fuerte, suave color, tenue aroma. Algunas aplicaciones: galletas, pan, bollería.Ingredientes: 100% té verde japonés orgánico fabricado sin colorantes, conservantes ni azúcares añadidos. Consumo preferente (día/mes/año). Y número de lote: ver envase, Conservar en frío una vez abierto. Producto de Japón (IT) (100% organico). Tè verde in polvere. Matcha adatto per la cucina industriale o domestica. Ideale per la cottura. Di sapore forte, di colore tenue e aroma morbido. Alcune applicazioni: biscotti, pane, dolci. Ingredienti: 100% di tè verde giapponese organico, senza aggiunta di coloranti, conservanti o zucchero. Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro (giorno / mese / anno) e il numero del lotto: vedi contenitore. Conservare in frigorifero dopo l'apertura. Prodotto in Giappone. (FR) (100% organique). Thé vert en poudre. Matcha à cuisiner de qualité basique, recommandé pour la cuisine industrielle ou domestique. Parfait pour mettre au four. Saveur forte, couleur douce, arôme léger. Quelques usages: galettes, pain, pâtisseries. Ingrédients: 100% thé vert japonais organique fabriqué sans colorants, agents conservateurs ni sucres ajoutés. À consommer de préférence avant (jour/mois/année) et nº du lot: voir l’emballage. À conserver au frais une fois ouvert. Produit venu du Japon.


Data sheet

EU Organic certified
JAS organic certified
whitish green
Natural sweetness
Caffeine Content
Antiox Content
Suited for Tea Ceremony
Suited for Cooking

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